Paccurate Blog
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Direct to Consumer Brand, Now a Redundant Phrase
One of the benefits of working on and helping businesses set up Paccurate is that we get a front-row seat to rapidly changing trends in the logistics and fulfillment spaces, which then go on to have transformative effects on the economy at large. With that in mind, believe us when we tell you we have never seen such a lurch in consumer trends like the one unfolding now: direct to consumer is the new normal.
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Webinar: Packaging Changes for Covid-19 and Beyond
We're excited to announce an upcoming webinar in partnership with Pierbridge and Chainalytics titled Packaging Changes for Covid-19 and Beyond: Enabling Logistics for a Sustainable, Frustration-Free, and Positive Experience.
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Items to Boxes to Pallets
Cartonization typically refers to, well, packing cartons. Expanding your view of what cartonization can accomplish can produce compounding savings and efficiency gains when packing items destined for pallets and beyond.
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Smarter Mode Planning, Part 2
With the supply chain currently racing to keep up with demand, it’s a great time to inject some advanced math into your process to make sure you select the right mode for every order. In Part 1, we talked through the implications of smarter mode selection. Now, let’s get into some examples of just how complex it can get.
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Cartonization AI is the future of fulfillment optimization.
Sometime in 2017, Paccurate made the leap from bin packing algorithm to artificial intelligence. No, it didn’t become self aware and start plotting to overthrow its human masters (we’re pretty sure). Rather, it gained the ability to make real-time decisions based on a data set far too complex for a human to consider.
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The Unprecedented New Normal Dynamic Crisis Paradigm of Doom
Recent hot takes on the “new normal” of supply chain have become a subgenre of punditry, and you may be tired of seeing them. Macro trend analysis is all well and good, but the moment we’re in is replete with more pressing practical concerns that need action. Let’s walk through a couple of examples.
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Minimizing the Impact of New Carrier Surcharge Increases
As of January 1, 2024 both FedEx and UPS have implemented an average of a 5.9% increase across a range of their services which is 1% lower than the 6.9% increase we saw in 2023.
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