15 posts tagged FULFILLMENT

Unboxing Bad Pack

Why Parcel Shippers Are Suddenly Focused on Packing Efficiency

December 20th, 2024

Unboxing should be exciting, but sometimes, it can be a disappointment. A massive box filled mostly with air, void fill, and, somewhere inside, the product that was actually ordered. This frustrating experience is a clear sign of a growing problem. Excessive packaging isn’t just wasteful; it’s expensive, damaging to a brand’s reputation, and leaves customers dissatisfied.

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The Parcel Packing Intelligence Platform: Paccurate API & PacSimulate

February 15th, 2024

Paccurate has built a powerful 3D cartonization engine which leverages complex business rules, item and carton limits and dimensions, and incorporates a patented cost-awareness layer which drives carton choice decisions. This engine can be accessed by end-users in two different (but related!) products: the Paccurate API and PacSimulate.

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A 3PL Warehouse

ShipStream CEO Colin Mollenhour Discusses Cartonization for 3PLs

May 26th, 2022

Editor's note: ShipStream is a Paccurate Partner. We sat down with ecommerce veteran and logistics and WMS expert Colin Mollenhour. He explains how ShipStream started and discusses trends and operational issues impacting 3PLs doing business within complex supply chains.Please tell us how you got into shipping and co-founding the ShipStream start-up.

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Men working in a warehouse

How to Ship Efficiently with Multi-Carrier Shipping Software

March 25th, 2022

So far, 2022 has proven to be a fantastic time for millions of online shoppers who continue their voracious online shopping. It's a heady time, with solid GDP and jobs growth overlaying two years of ongoing economic disruption.

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packaging on a table

5 Ways Packing Solutions Can Increase Effectiveness Of Order Fulfillment Operations

March 2nd, 2022

Effective packaging of your products is crucial for your business. Besides, better packaging is highly pertinent in the Supply Chain Process. It aims to better output, transport, and distribution of products.

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Interconnected Supply Chain

Special Announcement

July 7th, 2021

Paccurate is delighted to announce a new partnership with SendFlex Technology! We've been excited about this for some time, and hopefully it will become clear why when you read on.

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Man accepting delivery

The Post-Purchase Experience

April 19th, 2021

An Interview with Randy Horton

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Internation Shipping Containers

International drop shipping was already going to get hurt

April 17th, 2020

As the economy reels from COVID-19, international drop shipping is particularly vulnerable to the uncertainty in the supply chain and the disruption of production in China. The truth is, even before the pandemic, it was already primed for a major disruption due to some fairly under-reported news: The likely death of ePacket.

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A Plane Landing

Parcel Costs were already rising in 2020. Now what?

April 29th, 2020

At the beginning of 2020, FedEx and UPS raised their rates by an average 4.9% across all service types, which isn’t an unusually large hike across the board. Since the pandemic began disrupting the supply chain however, the carriers have added additional surcharges for shipments originating in China, and suspended their respective service guarantees. While normal rate hikes cause a bit of a stir among the companies that rely on tight margins, the added surcharges mean shippers have to tighten their belts even further.

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Direct to Consumer Brand, Now a Redundant Phrase

June 11th, 2020

One of the benefits of working on and helping businesses set up Paccurate is that we get a front-row seat to rapidly changing trends in the logistics and fulfillment spaces, which then go on to have transformative effects on the economy at large. With that in mind, believe us when we tell you we have never seen such a lurch in consumer trends like the one unfolding now: direct to consumer is the new normal.

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Nice fitting boxes

Webinar: Packaging Changes for Covid-19 and Beyond

June 16th, 2020

We're excited to announce an upcoming webinar in partnership with Pierbridge and Chainalytics titled Packaging Changes for Covid-19 and Beyond: Enabling Logistics for a Sustainable, Frustration-Free, and Positive Experience.

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he Unprecedented New Normal Dynamic Crisis Paradigm of Doom

The Unprecedented New Normal Dynamic Crisis Paradigm of Doom

December 17th, 2020

Recent hot takes on the “new normal” of supply chain have become a subgenre of punditry, and you may be tired of seeing them. Macro trend analysis is all well and good, but the moment we’re in is replete with more pressing practical concerns that need action. Let’s walk through a couple of examples.

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