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About Packsize

Packsize is revolutionizing the packaging industry with cutting-edge solutions and an unwavering commitment to the environment. As a global leader in packaging automation, Packsize empowers businesses to optimize their packaging processes while reducing waste and embracing sustainable practices.

At Packsize, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We're passionate about protecting the environment and helping businesses embrace eco-friendly practices. Join us on this journey towards a greener future by exploring the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in sustainable packaging.

With on-demand packaging, Packsize customers reduce their ecological footprint. By producing custom-fit boxes, both the volume of packaging and material consumption are significantly reduced. This also saves handling and logistics costs, as customized packaging requires less space on trucks, and consequently, fewer trucks on the road. The use of environmentally harmful filler is also drastically reduced, as there is less empty space within the box.

Packsize manages North American operations from their headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, and  European operations from Herford, Germany.  Packsize production is located in Enköping, Sweden. 

Backed by an international support organization of industry experts, Packsize is more than a product and service provider; we are a true partner.

Why We Partner Together

Operations & outbound logistics teams are tasked with ensuring that their products are getting picked, packed, & shipped in a cost-effective manner. Today that function is much easier said than done. Nearly every cost associated with order fulfillment continues to increase causing profitability margins to get tighter and tighter. Not only does the cost of shipping continue to rise, the pressure for companies to utilize more sustainable packaging solutions is at an all-time high.

Packsize & Paccurate have teamed up together to help make order fulfillment more cost effective than ever.  

By integrating the Paccurate cartonization software with Packsize’s right-sized packaging solution, companies are able to optimize their packaging process, leading to volumetric reduction, corrugated material reduction, reduced product damage, and lower freight costs.

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Let's explore how we can fix the supply chain together.

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Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, we'll show you how to pack more efficiently.
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